March 2024
On 3 December 2023, the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) published a Consultation Report with proposals to promote the integrity and the orderly functioning of the Voluntary Carbon Markets¹(VCMs). These recommendations are aimed at the regulators and other relevant authorities, while also to market participant, the objective being to back jurisdictions in which VCMs already exist and those intending to promote them. IOSCO’s document focusses on the aspects relating to the integrity of financial markets, market infrastructures and the behaviour of the participants.
This work is part of the sustainability initiatives promoted by the IOSCO Board’s Sustainable Finance Task Force. In this area, Compliance Carbon Markets (CCMs) have also been analysed, the Final Report on these being published in July 2023. Although the latter represent the greater part of the carbon market, an upward trend can be observed in VCMs with two billion dollars traded in 2021, five times that in 2017, as the commitment with long-term net zero emissions increases. However, since 2022 a fall can be observed in this market, which could be caused by the doubts regarding the quality of the carbon credits and their real contribution towards a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
The document describes the carbon credit ecosystem and the market structure, while proposing 21 good practices based on the proposals of the discussion paper of November 2022, the comments received, together with financial market oversight knowledge and experience of IOSCO members. The good practices take into account existing principles for markets that function correctly, such as IOSCO’s Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation. This work is aimed at the development of solid market structures, in such a way that carbon credits can be traded in an orderly and transparent manner. An efficient functioning of these markets is considered essential to progress in the ecological transition and to attain environmental objectives, such as the reduction of CO2 emissions.
The Consultation Report provides, on the one hand, a proposed set of good practices and, on the other, it notes certain relevant aspects unrelated to the integrity of financial markets and which are beyond the powers of the regulators, such as the environmental integrity or carbon credit standardization; the interoperability of VCM registries; or the legal treatment of carbon credits, describing some initiatives in these areas. The deadline for submitting comments is 3 March 2024.
¹ Market mechanism to put a price on emissions and encourage the reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere or allow for emission compensation through climate change mitigation projects. In VCMs, carbon markets cover emissions in the primary market and the secondary market of carbon credits through centralized and decentralized trading (bilateral or OTC). Appendix 2. Glossary. CR06/2023 Voluntary Carbon Markets (