Protección al inversor
Collective Investment
- IOSCO Final Report on Anti-dilution Liquidity Management Tools: Guidance for Effective Implementation of the Recommendations for Liquidity Risk Management for Collective Investment Schemes
- Report on best practices related to the application of IOSCO principles for exchange traded funds
- IOSCO Consultation Paper on Leverage. February 2019.
- Good practices for the termination of investment funds. February 2018.
- Principles for the valuation of Collective Investment Schemes (CIS). July 2013.
- Policy recommendations for Money Market Funds. November 2012.
- IOSCO consultation report on Money Market Funds. July 2012.
- Principles for the regulation of the Exchange Traded Funds. March 2012.
- Principles on suspensions of redemptions in Collective Investment Schemes. March 2012.
- IOSCO Principles on Hedge Funds. March 2010.
Digital Finance
- IOSCO public consultation of May 2023 on Recommendations for crypto and digital asset markets and intermediaries and public consultation of September 2023 on Recommendations for decentralised finance (DeFi)
- IOSCO’s Final Report on Retail Distribution and Digitalization. International Bulletin of November 2022.
- Global stablecoin initiatives. International Bulletin of June 2020.
- Report on financial technology (FinTech). June 2017.
- Cyber Security in the Securities Markets-An international perspective. May 2016.
Financial Education
Financial Risks and Stability
Investor Protection
- IOSCOs Final Report on Cross-Border Regulation
- IOSCO’s and BIS’ Report on client clearing: access and portability. International Bulletin of November 2022.
- IOSCO Report on Market Data on Secondary Equity Markets. International Bulletin, June 2022.
- Trading venues and Market Intermediaries. Peer review of IOSCO standards and recommendations on business continuity. International Bulletin of June 2021.
- IOSCO Report on Good Practices on Processes for Deference. International Bulletin, November 2020.
- Liquidity in corporate bond markets in market stress situations. October 2019.
- IOSCO Report on Market Fragmentation and Cross-border Regulation. June 2019.
- Consultation Report on issues, risks and regulatory considerations relating to crypto-asset trading platforms. June 2019.
- IOSCO Final Report on conflicts of interest and associated conduct risks during the equity capital raising process. February 2019.
- Mechanisms used by trading venues to manage extreme volatility and maintain orderly trading. June 2018.
- The IOSCO Enhanced Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding. February 2017
- Report on credible deterrance of misconduct in securities market regulation. July 2015.
- Report on the review of compliance with IOSCO´s principles for financial benchmarks. March 2015.
- Research note on market-based long-term financing solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and infrastructures. November 2014.
- CPSS-IOSCO report on update to initial level 1 assessment report about implementation of Principles for Financial Markets Infrastructures (PFMIs). July 2014.
- Report on the impact of trading fee models on trading behaviour. March 2014.
- CPSS and IOSCO report on Authorities access to trade repository data. November 2013.
- IOSCO and ESMA-EBA principles for benchmark-setting processes. July 2013.
- Suitability requirements with respect to the distribution of complex financial products. March 2013.
- Principles for Financial Markets Infrastructures (FMIs). July 2012.
- IOSCO-CPSS. Trade repositories: OTC derivatives data reporting and aggregation. November 2011.
- Principles for the regulation and supervision of commodity derivative markets. November 2011.
- Trading on OTC derivatives. March 2011
- Principles for Financial Markets Infrastructures. March 2011
- Principles on cross-border supervisory cooperation. July 2010.
- IOSCO Document on regulation of short selling. March 2010.
Strategic Lines
Sustainable Finance
- IOSCO’s Final Report on Transition Plans
- IOSCO Final Report on Supervisory Practices related to Greenwashing
- IOSCO Consultation Report on Voluntary Carbon Markets
- Recommendations on Sustainability-Related Practices, Policies, Procedures and Disclosure in Asset Management. International Bulletin, June 2022.
- Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Ratings and Data Products Providers. International Bulletin, March 2022.