
Accessibility of CNMV websites

Accessibility statement

The Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, on accessibility of websites and mobile applications of the public sector (hereinafter, Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018).

This accessibility statement applies to website:

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018, due to the exemptions and non-compliance with the aspects listed below.

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons:

  • Non-compliance with Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018
    • This accessibility statement does not include external site barriers, even if they are part of the navigation process.
    • Alternative texts: some images have no appropriate textual alternative.
    • Semantic structure: some pages use headers inappropriately or lack a semantic markup correctly structuring or grouping the information in such a way it is more understandable and navigable for screen reader users.
    • Use of colour: colour is used to convey certain information, such as different links that are highlighted through use.
    • Pause. Stop. Hide: when warnings are shown on the website there is no mechanism for these to be paused.
    • Status information: the main menu elements that contain a submenu do not indicate this in an accessible manner and it is not informed whether the submenu is open or closed.
    • Non-text contrast: some non-text elements as fields in forms or carousel elements lack enough contrast.
    • Minimum contrast: some texts lack enough colour contrast regarding the background.
    • Change font size: some elements cannot be seen when increasing the font size to 200%.
    • Focus order: focus order may not be entirely correct in some pages.
    • Error identification: the errors appearing adjacent to each field are not related to same , in such a way they are not verbalised by the support products.
    • Subtitling characteristics: subtitles cannot be modified according to the user’s needs.
    • Keyboard: some elements do not have keyboard focus.
    • Video-only and audio-only (recorded): there are no text-based alternatives in prerecorded audio.
    • PDF documents: some documents in PDF format do not contain the appropriate structure to be interpreted correctly by the support products.
  • Disproportionate burden: not applicable.
  • The content is not within the scope of the applicable legislation
    • There may be computer files in PDF or other formats published before 20 September 2018, which do not fully comply with all accessibility requirements.

Development of this accessibility statement

This statement was drafted on 31 May 2023.

The method used to draft this statement was a self-assessment with external resources carried out by the body itself.

Last review of the statement: 12 September 2023.

Feedback and contact information

The communications, requests, complaints and claims refer to the accessibility of the CNMV´s website.

Should you wish to make any complaint against or enquiry regarding a financial entity supervised by the CNMV, please access the “Investors and Financial Education” in the CNMV’s website or via the “claims, complaints and enquiries by investors” in its Virtual Office.


Communications on accessibility requirements (Article 10(2)(a) of Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018) may be issued, for example:

  • To report any potential infringement by this website.
  • To notify other difficulties in accessing content.
  • To make any other type of enquiry or suggestion for improvement related to website accessibility.

These communications may be issued in two ways:

  • Via the following electronic form.
  • By calling the Unit Responsible for Accessibility, telephone no. 91 585 15 04

Requests for accessible information and complaints

Also, the content published on the website, which is exempted from the obligation of being accessible, may be requested in an accessible format and complaints may be made regarding compliance with the accessibility requirements (Article 10(2)(b) of Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018) in the following manner:

  • Electronic submission, via the CNMV Electronic Register (Virtual Office) by accessing the “Open Area” section and identifying yourself using the appropriate authentication systems. Then choose Requests for accessible information, complaints and claims regarding accessibility.
  • In person at the CNMV register or by post sending a letter to the:
       Unit Responsible for Accessibility
       Strategy, Innovation and Sustainable Finance Department
       C/ Edison, 4, 28006 Madrid – C/ Bolivia 56, (4ª Planta) 08018 Barcelona.
  • The following Requests and complaints form may be used to make your request or complaint.

The Request for accessible information will clearly specify the facts, reasons and petition, allowing for it to be confirmed that the request is reasonable and legitimate.

Communications, requests and complaints related to the accessibility of this website will be received and processed by the Unit Responsible for Accessibility belonging to the Strategy, Innovation and Sustainable Finance Department. The period to respond to the interested party will be of twenty business days. Once the maximum resolution period elapses without a response being notified, it will be understood that the request for accessible information was not accepted or that the complaint was not considered.

Enforcement procedure

Once the request for accessible information or complaint is performed, the interested party may file a claim is this were rejected, there was disagreement with the decision adopted or the response did not fulfil the requirements established in Article 12.5. Similarly, a claim may be filed in the case the period of twenty business days elapses without any response being obtained.

The claim may be filed in the following manner:

  • Electronic submission, via the CNMV Electronic Register (Virtual Office) by accessing the “Open Area” section and identifying yourself using the appropriate authentication systems. Then choose Requests for accessible information, complaints and claims regarding accessibility.
  • In person at the CNMV register or by post sending a letter to the:
       Unit Responsible for Accessibility
       Strategy, Innovation and Sustainable Finance Department
       C/ Edison, 4, 28006 Madrid – C/ Bolivia 56, (4ª Planta) 08018 Barcelona.
  • The following Claims form may be used to make your claim.

Claims related to digital accessibility of this website will be resolved by the General Director of Strategic Policy and International Affairs. The period to respond to the interested party will be of two months. Once the maximum resolution period elapses without a response being notified, it will be understood that the claim was rejected.

Mandatory documentation

The presentation of requests, complaints and claims on the accessibility of websites and mobile device applications of the CNMV initiates an administrative procedure. For this reason, the request, complaint or claim will state the identity of the interested party.

Where the interested party is a natural person and the request, complaint or claim on digital accessibility is presented by post o in person at the CNMV register:

  • If presented on one’s own behalf, a copy of both sides of the Spanish national identity document (DNI) no., foreigner’s identity no. (NIE), passport or other valid identity document of the interested party will be attached.
  • If presented through a representative, a copy of both sides of the Spanish national identity document (DNI) no., foreigner’s identity no. (NIE), passport or other valid identity document of the interested party and the representative, together with a copy of the power of attorney or other document accrediting the representation, will be attached.

Requests, complaints or claims on digital accessibility in which the interested party is a legal person and which are presented by post o in person at the CNMV register will include a copy of both sides of the Spanish national identity document (DNI) no., foreigner’s identity no. (NIE), passport or other valid identity document identifying the signatory of the request, together with a copy of the power of attorney or appointment to act on behalf of the legal person.

Accessibility of CNMV applications for mobile devices

Accessibility statement

The Spanish Securities Market Commission (CNMV) is committed to making its applications for mobile devices accessible, in accordance with the Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018 of 7 September on accessibility of websites and mobile device applications of the public sector (hereinafter, Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018).

The following accessibility statement corresponds to the CNMV´s application for mobile devices in its versions for IOS and Android.

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018, due to the exemptions and non-compliance with the aspects listed below.

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons:

  • Non-compliance with Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018
    • This accessibility statement does not include external site barriers, even if they are part of the navigation process.
    • The application contains images with no textual alternative.
    • The heading structure of the pages has some breaks in its hierarchy.
    • The display of the application may not be adequate as the screen orientation does not change.
    • Colour has been used to convey information without offering any alternative.
    • The contrast between textual and non-textual elements with the background may also be insufficient for some visually impaired users.
    • Resizing the text may cause some content to overlap.
    • Content or functionality could be lost if the user does not navigate by scrolling in two dimensions.
    • Some elements are not accessible via the keyboard.
    • The texts in headings and labels may not be understandable to all users.
    • The keyboard focus is not always visible.
    • The application has swipe functions, which do not have a one-click option.
    • There are actions that can be executed with the mouse or another cursor that cannot be cancelled or reversed by the user. [In IOS version only].
    • No suggestions are offered to correct any errors that the user may have made in the forms. [In Android version only].
    • Some forms may lack sufficient labels and instructions. [In Android version only].
    • The W3C Consortium´s automatic validator indicates that there are errors in the HTML code and CSS style sheets.
    • Some interactive elements are not accessible to screen readers.
    • Status messages do not appear in a box with the appropriate role [in IOS version only].
    • Not all criteria of the WCAG 2.1 standards are met.
    • The application does not use the documented platform accessibility services and, even when using them, it does not comply with requirements to
  • Disproportionate burden: not applicable.
  • The content is not within the scope of the applicable legislation
    • There are computer files in PDF or other formats published before 20 September 2018, which do not fully comply with all accessibility requirements.

Development of this accessibility statement

This statement was drafted on 30 September 2022.

The method used to draft this statement was a self-assessment with external resources carried out by the body itself.

Last review of the statement: 12 September 2023.

Feedback and contact information

The communications, requests, complaints and claims refer to the accessibility of the CNMV´s application for mobile devices in both its version for IOS and Android.

Should you wish to make any complaint against or enquiry regarding a financial entity supervised by the CNMV, please access the “Investors and Financial Education” in the CNMV’s website or via the “claims, complaints and enquiries by investors” in its Virtual Office.


Communications on accessibility requirements (Article 10(2)(a) of Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018) may be issued, for example:

  • To report any potential infringement by this application.
  • To notify other difficulties in accessing content.
  • To make any other type of enquiry or suggestion for improvement related to the accessibility of the application.

These communications may be issued in two ways:

  • Via the following electronic form.
  • By calling the Unit Responsible for Accessibility, telephone no. 91 585 15 04

Requests for accessible information and complaints

Also, the content published on this mobile device application, which is exempted from the obligation of being accessible, may be requested in an accessible format and complaints may be made regarding accessibility requirements (Article 10(2)(b) of Spanish Royal Decree 1112/2018) in the following manner:

  • Electronic submission, via the CNMV Electronic Register (Virtual Office) by accessing the “Open Area” section and identifying yourself using the appropriate authentication systems. Then choose Requests for accessible information, complaints and claims regarding accessibility.
  • In person at the CNMV register or by post sending a letter to the:
       Unit Responsible for Accessibility
       Strategy, Innovation and Sustainable Finance Department
       C/ Edison, 4, 28006 Madrid – C/ Bolivia 56, (4ª Planta) 08018 Barcelona.
  • The following Requests and complaints form may be used to make your request or complaint.

The Request for accessible information will clearly specify the facts, reasons and petition, allowing for it to be confirmed that the request is reasonable and legitimate.

Communications, requests and complaints related to the accessibility of this application will be received and processed by the Unit Responsible for Accessibility belonging to the Strategy, Innovations and Sustainable Finance Department. The period to respond to the interested party will be of twenty business days. Once the maximum resolution period elapses without a response being notified, it will be understood that the request for accessible information was not accepted or that the complaint was not considered.

Enforcement procedure

Once the request for accessible information or complaint is performed, the interested party may file a claim is this were rejected, there was disagreement with the decision adopted or the response did not fulfil the requirements established in Article 12.5. Similarly, a claim may be filed in the case the period of twenty business days elapses without any response being obtained.

The claim may be filed in the following manner:

  • Electronic submission, via the CNMV Electronic Register (Virtual Office) by accessing the “Open Area” section and identifying yourself using the appropriate authentication systems. Then choose Requests for accessible information, complaints and claims regarding accessibility.
  • In person at the CNMV register or by post sending a letter to the:
       Unit Responsible for Accessibility
       Strategy, Innovation and Sustainable Finance Department
       C/ Edison, 4, 28006 Madrid – C/ Bolivia 56, (4ª Planta) 08018 Barcelona.
  • The following Claims form may be used to make your claim.

Claims related to digital accessibility of this application will be resolved by the General Director of Strategic Policy and International Affairs. The period to respond to the interested party will be of two months. Once the maximum resolution period elapses without a response being notified, it will be understood that the claim was rejected.

Mandatory documentation

The presentation of requests, complaints and claims on the accessibility of websites and mobile device applications of the CNMV initiates an administrative procedure. For this reason, the request, complaint or claim will state the identity of the interested party.

Where the interested party is a natural person and the request, complaint or claim on digital accessibility is presented by post o in person at the CNMV register:

  • If presented on one’s own behalf, a copy of both sides of the Spanish national identity document (DNI) no., foreigner’s identity no. (NIE), passport or other valid identity document of the interested party will be attached.
  • If presented through a representative, a copy of both sides of the Spanish national identity document (DNI) no., foreigner’s identity no. (NIE), passport or other valid identity document of the interested party and the representative, together with a copy of the power of attorney or other document accrediting the representation, will be attached.

Requests, complaints or claims on digital accessibility in which the interested party is a legal person and which are presented by post o in person at the CNMV register will include a copy of both sides of the Spanish national identity document (DNI) no., foreigner’s identity no. (NIE), passport or other valid identity document identifying the signatory of the request, together with a copy of the power of attorney or appointment to act on behalf of the legal person.

Customisation of the website’s presentation

You may access the new accessibility functionalities which allow a better visualisation of the content according to your needs.

If you are colour blind or have any other vision problems, you can change the colour of the website’s links to facilitate their identification.